Sunday, May 26, 2013

Michal and Sarah's WEDDING August 10th 2013 - Svatba Michala a Sarah dne 10. sprna 2013

Dear Friends and Family,
Milí Kamarádi a Rodino,

Our wedding ceremony will be at the The Little White Church in Eaton, NH, on Saturday, August 10th at 4 pm. There is a reception following at Earle Family Farm.  There will be dinner and dancing!

Náš svatební obřad se bude konat v Malém Bílém kostelíku v Eatonu, NH, v sobotu 10. srpna ve 4 hodiny odpoledne. Svatební hostina se bude konat na farmě rodiny Earlových. Na programu je slavnostní večeře a tanec.


Accommodation in August in the Mount Washington Valley is a competitive affair.  There are various options, including these sites:

Ubytování bývá v srpnu v Mount Washington Valley často obsazené. Zde jsou možnosti ubytování:

Hotels and Motels
Holiday Inn
Cranmore Mountain Lodge
Colonial Motel

B&B's and Apartments in Brownfield, ME, and Eaton, NH:
Brookhirst Farm B&B
Stone Mountain House apartments
Foot Hill Farm B&B

ALTERNATIVELY, there will be plenty of tenting opportunity at the farm (camper vans are also welcome), and some space for sleeping in the farmhouse.  Let us know if you need help finding a place to stay and we'll arrange something for you.

Je zde také možnost stanování na farmě (karavanisti jsou též vítáni) a nějaké místo k přespání nabízí i samotná farma. Dejte nám vědět jestli budete potřebovat pomoci s hledáním místa na přespání.


We have empty walls, and would love your handmade art or decorations--anything you make is beautiful!
We do have a gift registry, which you can find here:
Knack Wedding Registry
OR contribute to our Honey Moon Fund!

We look forward to seeing you!
Těšíme se na Vás!
Sarah and Michal

PS! About Us!  You can read about our travels on this very blog.

-For pictures and writings about our bike trip in the Balkans, scroll through July and August 2011 postings in the archives to your right.

-Life in the Czech Republic and British Columbia, Canada, can be found in years 2009-2012

-and for pics and writing about Guatemala, where we met, see January-March 2009.